Saturday, 21 November 2009

presently in the 1st day of...

Blogg's or blogging does it have 1 g or 2? I dont know in my head it should be Blog, not Blogg.
I don't know, I'm trying to work out if I care, I'm sure some one will fill me in eventually.
Internets full of people with thoughts I'm sure some one will give me one.

Right Gingerbread flavoured coffee rules.

My Job Sucks.

People can be nice.

Most customers aren't.

General my feeling of the last few days are simple.
1: I need to finish writing my book.
2: I need to find a new job.
3: Why don't companies ever get back to you even just to say thanks for interest but not interested.
4: Why am I watching TV I'm not a fan of TV.
5: Do fantasy creatures have to be what we believe them to be?
6: Yeah there is a 6 but its personal.
7: So is 7.
8: Hmm I might set up a blog.
9: How do you actually spell blogg.
10: I'm writing a list.

You get the idea of where this is going slowly and badly.

right going, 23:21 got work in the morning and well generally ah who cares.

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