Shall we start at the beginning. We don't always but today we will.
Home for 5 days. Welcome to DOWNLOAD 2022 it's been 3 years since we did this right and No this still isn't going to be right.
The 3 year gap has allowed for a few things to change, time does that time always does that. The results though well, we have a new campsite. It's HILLY. We actually have several new campsites.
So, if you see the original map on my earlier post you will notice a few differences. Yellow Campsite is gone. The Cinema is gone (There will be more to come on this)
So we ended up camped in the back end of purple, As you know what it was flat. It wasn't far from the village and it was walkable to the arena in 30 minutes. Way better than the old 90 minute walk we used to have to deal with. The pathing was direct and simple enough... WAIT! Hills. Seriously Hills! The whole area has got both nice gentle sweeping raises and dips to am i nearly vertical! Okay that is an over exaggeration but they did have some undulations that changed the angel abruptly.
Okay moving on from this, we will get used to this and adapt out footwear to cope.
Toilets! Erm so random this year. We had a mix of toilets in so many different designs, and ways or working from long drop portaloos to flushers and everything in between, thanks to some drunks though (I'm guessing drunks any way not actual vandals) in the camp we ended up with missing seats and broken mirrors, all general festival fare to be honest though this is nothing new.
Security...... I did hear of a few things going missing in the camp site. I also was informed by a security group that they had found "security officers" actually stealing from tents. This was quickly dealt with stuff was returned, the individuals involved were escorted from the premises and I am guessing charges would be being pressed, badges were stripped. This restored faith in the lackluster searches. I didn't get searched or checked once. Only time was the usual entry checks through the first barriers.
So many issues with tickets (Going to the digital age) From parking to camping, you would think coming up to 20 years of the festival they would have got to grips with this all by now.
Okay hang on stop. I'm not bashing and what I am about to say is not that difficult. I still find Download to be one of the safest, friendliest and amazing alternative festivals within the UK. While there are as always teething issues with new advances and ideas they do get ironed out rather quickly.
With the toilet situation I am going to guess as it was a week after the Queens Jubilee it is highly likely that most of the good toilets were stuck in that there London and we got the leftovers.
While on the situations of toilets.... Cleaning..... Yeah..... It was HOT, we are talking the opposite of most downloads. Generally the campsite toilets are cleaned 2 maybe 3 times a day. They had got really good at keeping on tops of this. Well this year, yeah it didn't happen as frequently.
I understand that the total number of ticket sales, both camping and day was down, due to the cost of living, the slowly dispersing viral issues and fuel prices. This in turn becomes an issue with the stalls and food services. Talking with one or two of the independents it became clear that the festival is quickly pricing itself out of independant sellers. For example there should be shops and stalls here.... This is the far side of the festival field which normally would hold the activities and shops.
NXT, Fighting Knights, Newrock Stall, Merch bits and so on. It's Empty.

Actually outside of the Music the entertainment in the arena was nothing. No Area 52, No NXT, No Armoured fighting, NOTHING. The Side splitters stage and the Doghouse where open air affairs within the village, which did hold quiet a few things and some surprises like he Malevolence and Boston Manor acoustic sets at 10:30pm which also didn't get announced until the middle of the afternoon. Which was nice. Gave us something to do when we got back to the camp if we had left early.
All in all it was interesting and I am hoping that lessons are learned and the organisers make improvements.
When it came to food and Drink...... You have a captive audience. The price gouging HAS TO STOP. Once more pricing yourself out of the market, we would like Download to last for long past my lifetime, like Glastonbury just go on for eternity. But they are heading the same way as Monsters of Rock, just keep racking up the prices as the visitors reduce due to the cost. I have to eat and in the arena I have very little choice other than purchasing what you offer but being charged £10.60 for a burger, Is daylight robbery. A Cheese and Bacon toastie in the village was £6.50 but you can't live off Toasties.
An what is even worse it the organisers set the prices according the them. So how come some stalls were doing water at £2.60 and others where charging £3.00?
Why did Burger prices vary from different branded outlets?
Above it he Bar Prices in the Village. I really wish I had gotten the prices in the Arena. As they were fairly close and here is the difference in the village they were cans, in the arena they were pints.
Also we were once more left with Carlsberg Pilsner..... An other low ABV Alcohols. We used to get a good selection of drinks back in the Turborg days. It might be vile but it tasted better than Pilsner.
Maiden Played this year, normally they come with Trooper. Where was the Trooper?
For the last 18 years. I have had a budget of £400 which covers food, drinks, Merch. Been the same for every one of the 5 day events. This year I went over £600. The Merch hadn't really got anymore expensive. The food and drink was just too too high.
So I should really get into weather and Bands really. The weather was glorious. It was very warm and as such fluids were very much needed. Overpriced water issues.
So bands.....
Punk Rock Factory played in the Village Thursday night was wild and so hectic but a really good sing along show.
Friday Friday Today is Friday.
Who are actually Theory Of Deadman, I got into these guys back in the 2010's and own all their albums was a good performance covering many of the albums and quite a few songs I knew. All in all a really good show. An I am not just saying this as it has been so long since I have seen live music, I was at the pilot back in 2021.
Enjoyed Black Veil Brides on Friday, I know very little about them I can't recall if I had seen them before but the performance was good, enjoyed the set. Yeah sorry I've got nothing they are an Emo band from back in the early century and I have never really followed them. I enjoyed it but I am not going out of my way to get into them now.
Skindred. I have seen Skindred so many times and my reviews are always the same for them totally enjoy what they do, from Benji coming out to the Imperial March to the New Port Helicopter they are an amazing live act, entertaining and brilliant live.
Wandered over to sleep token in the tent after Skindred had finished.
So, I like music, I enjoyed the playing I thought the songs have potential, I just don't get the stik. The crowd interaction was non existent and while hiding behind masks is nothing new it just felt a bit flat.
As I said nothing wrong with the singing the playing of anything I just didn't enjoy the gimmick.
I forgot to take any photos)
We will get on to Saturday in a second as I've seen Kiss twice and they do ZERO for me and I had run out of bands and ended up in the Bars and heading back to the tent but we did see Malevolence doing the acoustic set in the side splitters and it was such a good show.
Good Morning World, It's Saturday. What's on the list of things to do today?
Well for me today is all about Bush, Shinedown and Iron Maiden. That is it.
(I'm presently realising the only reason I am at the festival this year is because I rolled my tickets from 2020. The line up has suffered greatly over the delays. I also know I have purchased my 2023 tickets already and am taking a gamble on the 4 day music event for next year.)
Saturday Morning View.So into the arena after failing to once more find a good breakfast. The Chinese / English food hall it not here this year. Which was always the greatest place to grab breakfast in a morning and a seat but it's just not here. Possibly another victim of the pandemic or a victim of the price hikes that the organisers have placed on the venue stores.
Right on to bands. I am still impressed with the new walk from camp to arena and that it takes as little as 30 minutes. Roll it back to 08 to 19 it was nearly 90 minutes to walk from the village to the arena. And we were camped at the back of the Purple camp site the camp site possibly furthest away.
Right who did I see on Saturday.... Oh yeah I went to see Bush but because the walk was so short we got there in time for Ice Nine Kills. I can't fault the playing, I can't fault the performance, I can't fault a lot with these guys. It was just Alice Cooper does it better, Wednesday 13 Does it better, Rob Zombie does it better. They are another shock rock group. Songs about Psycho, Friday 13th, Halloween, Yeah we've seen this all before. I don't know a great deal about them and I will probably look into them more.
Bush. I have been waiting to see Bush since the 90's, when they first appeared, was listening to them through Secondary School, which means there was probably a nostalgia haze covering my brain, but you know what they played amazingly, interaction was entertaining and I got to sing along with every song.

Right we shall wander over to ShineDown. Loved it, awesome set great time really enjoyable.
I remember tweeting about it and how awesome they were, but like Neck Deep from last year I seem to have misplaced the memory. But here are photos to prove I was there!
So. This is where it gets hazy. I want to see Megadeth, I am not phased about Deftones, there is quiet a gap we shall wander and get some drinks have a laugh see a few friends and then get a spot for Megadeth and finally come back for maiden.
Rocktail Cocktail you have a lot ot answer for.
These were a BAD IDEA but so tasty.
Oh WOW look at all the people we should go get a spot for Iron Maiden, damn it going to miss Megadeth. Ah well seen them several times and how many more times will we get to see Maiden really?
I'm not even going to write a review here for Maiden, you know how it works. Starting set, set change, amazing performance lots of things on stage and popping up bits and pieces and always look on the bright side of life to end. So here are the photos.

Sunday! Wait No Saturdays not done! I'm buzzing, lets go do something we haven't done for years! Lets walk the cap sites. Yep that happened. Been getting older so we had stopped doing this just wandering the camp site, chatting to other downloaders discovering what was making their festival great. So we donned the trench, and walked into the night. We actually wandered till 3am, met so many wonderful people, told jokes had a laugh with so many and had a really great night as well as blowing out my own vocal chords, again. We were introduced to people from all over the world. Was such a fun giggle bringing laughter to all and laughing with all. Because if you're not ready kids, you'll never know who lives in a pineapple under the sea. Right on to Sunday.
Sunny Sunny Sunday.
So today is a day for Bands today is a day for a lot of standing at main stage to day is going to be awesome.

Let's play spot the tent!
I keep forgetting how quick the walk into the Arena is so instead of making it in for Alestorm and too meet up with friends that are on day tickets We arrived for Powerwolf.
I enjoyed Powerwolf, I have no photos of them though as I forgot to take them. Yeah this happens and as the weekend goes on becomes more common due to me really just getting into the bands.
So we will skip to Alestorm. Finally I get to see Alestorm, I'm not too drunk they aren't playing too early they are on stage I am here it is AWESOME to finally see a fun band that love what they do. With catch Pirate tunes sing alongs all round entertaining group. I did watch from a distance as I was with the day tripper friends, due to them bringing their 8 month old they wanted to stay back and I was down with this. Baby sitters are expensive but you can't always miss a gig.
Have a photo and a video!
Volbeat time. I really really enjoy Volbeat, I find them entertaining and musically good. Though while standing watching singing along and enjoying every moment of their set and what they were doing I came to the realisation that they might be the Danish version of Nickelback. Then I just let that thought go as they aren't they are a good mix of rock, roll, and metal. With the power to do some nicely laid out and written tunes mixing languages as they go. So Volbeat massive in Europe hopefully massive in the UK as well one day.
If you have gotten this far then I shall share with you this, the blog is coming to an end very very shortly. As what comes next should have been my last actual band. I wish I had walked away with Dave at this point as nothing left on the bill was going to top KORN for me. I told other members of the group that they wouldn't enjoy steel panther or The Darkness and when I saw them in camp later they agreed with me. But we will get to that in the final thoughts.
So Korn. Over the last couple of decades Korn have evolved and changed more than any other Nu Metal Band. Well maybe Slipknot but still. What Jonathan Davis can do with his voice Just WOW.
His stage presence and performance has greatly improved from the early days of standing on stage playing away to the way they now interact with the crowd. Still banging out fantastic stage shows and singing every line with every ounce of heart. Was great to hear Twist, Freak, Shoots and Ladders, the medilies everything and finishing with Blind (Once more blew my vocal chords) loved every second of it.
I agreed to stay for Biffy Clyro.... I don't get them.... Can't knock them nothing wrong with the playing the singing any of it they just don't do a thing for me. Here are two photos from Biffy.
Back to camp and a conversation with the guys that went to see Steel Panther and The Darkness. I did not see any of this but I have had a few people collaborate these things.
Steel Panther. Taking the piss out of both Def Leppard's drummer Rick Allen by putting his arm in side his shirt and playing the drums. No just fucking NO that guys done more for music than you bunch of regurgitated spinal tap failures. Then doing Ozzy impressions and taking the piss out of him. Yet again Nope. I do not like Steel Panthers I have seen them once, they are not good they are a group living off sexist jokes and bullshit performances. In the present way of the world do we really need a failed Motley Crue impersonators that aren't fit to lace Spinal Taps boots on our stages?
Oh and I just hate The Darkness. So Yeah thats my personal thoughts on them.
Monday... Home Time....
Final Sum up and thoughts.
Covid, Fuel crisis, Cost of living issues all caused so many issues.
It felt like a Download, it was a great weekend. Loads of amazing people bands and entertainment even if it was more muted than normal.
Great seeing the festival scene back.
The Bank Holidays being in the posting cycle for tickets and car parking passes.
(Mine turned up thursday while I was at download!)
Some work needs to be done, we can't do anything about the hills in the camp site, the new village layout is a great idea but needs to bring back the vendors and we are talking the pre 2018 vendors.
I miss Bagel Dude, Tea and Toast, The Waffle stand, Delikate. I don't miss the more corporate food vans. Where was Easy Cheesy? Now I think about it.
Someone needs to look into the pricing properly and be more realistic it's a 4 day music event next year for the 20th Birthday.
Someone needs to look into stocking a bit better too. Bar's closing due to running out of beer, Merch Sizing needs to be thought about as well as the larger sizes run out quickly and let's be honest most metalheads are not small people. (yeah we like beer and we have a few to many extra pounds)
Also I don't want these two food stalls being priced out of standing.
So, livenation. Please lower the pricing on food, sort out the beer situation as you keep promising us that you'll get the price down to what a pint is in the pub and give us more choice.
You have been promising this for YEARS actually DO IT.
We love the Plastic Cups. Most of us have stacks of them at home, keep this up seriously more of them less card ones. We will swap them all day until we leave and then the next day we just start again with a new cup and keep swapping. Most of us come home with 4 or 5 of them. Please keep this going and get more made, we might even be willing to pay a little bit more for them as long as we get that same amount off the bill everytime we swap them out.
Toilets in the Campsite, maybe more cleaning routines like they used to be back before Covid. As they fill up quickly when you don't have enough to cover the amount of people you have.
Most of these things I would guess you have information on. We have been doing this for 19 years now An when we come back for 20, let's be the country's greatest festival and home for the Alternatives in this country once more. We've survived this long and I'd like to keep surviving and showing off new rock metal and punk bands to the next generation of alternative. For we are the Metalheads, We are the Punks, We are the Goths, The Emos and the Rockers. An we Will never Die.
So from this Dave of the two Daves. We will see you next year. Speaking of the Other Dave he will be doing his Annual Download Review on the.
The Untitled Rock Show Wednesday on
Endeavour FM. (15/6/22 9pm BST)
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