So. Yeah. Heat stroke, 30c Temperatures, lack of water points and shade.
Need I say more?
Well yes so I am going to but generally we will be talking about the above statement this year.
There will be some music news I did see some bands I also did see old friends and new friends but as I type these things will become apparent.
These all start on Tuesdays now. Why well as the group is so spread across the UK and I am presently the closest person to Donington Park (90 minute drive) away everyone comes here we have a few drinks catch up on the previous year and head out early Wednesday morning.
First group turn up we go do beer run, second group appear we chill and order pizza. Where is the 3rd group? Van broke down on the West side of the country..... Midnight the last member of the party gets here. Quick catch up and a pint and bed. I am going to stop there we gave him enough grief over the weekend for his minor mishaps with direction, But we will say this ext year he comes here, his car stays here and he rides with someone else.
Righ Wednesday, takes 4 hours to do a 90 minute journey. Actually we got to Donington in under 2 hours. We just got stuck in the neverending miles of traffic that was building up. Thankfully though we were rather near the goal so we slipped through and were parked up before 11. All of us had loaded our tickets in to which ever wallet app we were using, we had also opened the web page ticket view before we left so we were ready. We parked, we just grabbed the tents and we went, straight in minimal issue actually no issues at all, unlike last year where tickets started vanishing and phones started having issues as the wifi disappeared for us but that was last year. (In another tale my day ticket friend forgot to load their ticket and had to walk back down the hill to get signal my fault I forgot to warn them about mobile signal.)
All in and set up by 11:30. Back to the car now have bands to get the beer and packs. All down and done by 13:00. Was amazingly swift. Though we are about to learn that the crew on he buses were in for a shock as they were now running really far behind (They turned up about 9pm) The sat navs were saying 30 minutes away from about 12:00, an yeah the traffic really was that bad, you might have seen it on the news.
Moving on as at the moment the weather's nice beer is flowing it is a really nice Download we are in the camps up having a few drinks enjoying the time as we wait for Thursday.
Who Ever Though Putting Bands On On The Thursday Was a Good Idea Needs Help.
So Thursday, right from the off we are all a little apprehensive about this.
Thursday is not a normal music day. It is the recovery from the getting to this point day, we sit we chat, no today we have to deal with bands.
(I have not checked this and probably won't but adding the extra day and starting the days later it has been said we got the same amount of bands in 4 days we have in 3)
Let's get walking the weather's nice the temperatures not to high its a bit over cast nice to walk and drink. So we do, all the way into the arena for Punk Rock Factory (though we did leave in plans to see Mammoth) We did hear the ending couple of tracks from Mammoth I say hear we were heading to the 3rd stage (I know it has a name but we have always just used numbers) We also completely forgot we was going to see Jinjer... Yeah my bad I was already a little disoriented by the extra day and not alcohol as we hadn't really had time to drink. Managed to hear PRF from outside the tent you could not get in there. See Photos!
Oh and of course the photo that was taken as we entered the Arena before that shall we!
Main Stage
3rd Stage. (Didn't the 3rd stage use to be blue?)
I used to like Fallen, was a great album, but that all my knowledge of them. Also we are starting to cook. All of us are starting to cook and as such we bail back to the tent.
We had a wander around the camp site in the evening but the heat had started to sap everyone's energy and it was a very quiet night after the sun went down through out Red, Orange and Purple camps.
Lets hit the tent and watch Rituals. This is where things will get messed up as we are sat on the edge of the tent and enjoying the shade because it is damn hot already its only just 12:45 an some one standing in front of where I am sat has a joint and are waving it around in my face without even realising I'm sat behind them. This in turn causes me issues as due to the way my brain works things start to go a little wrong and I have to move so I do. I now feel sick and as such really don't recall a lot about the band and for that I am sorry. Here is a photo though taken after I moved.
Municipal Waste.
Thrash Band, Good Thrash Band, Really Really Good Thrash band, never seen them before watched the whole set really enjoyed it reminded me what a real thrash band can be when they can play at that speed (
As alway a cracking set would have loved to see it through to the end but we were dying in the heat. Would not regulate body temperature at all so after they played Werewolf we bail back to the camp we will be back once more have cooled and rehydrated.
My friend looks like a lobster as they forgot to sun cream before leaving the house or brining any with them for the day. We will get it through to them that skin health is important one day.
From Sound of Silence to inside the fire. Just amazing, if you get time to see them on tour go see them, this tour does carry a strong mental health and anti suicide message but these are things Dramen is passionate about after losing so many friends. An nearly himself. So please remember if your are struggling there will always be a shoulder or an ear to listen and try to help out there somewhere.
Sorry back to yeah Disturbed were awesome. (Really couldn't get close)

I have waited 30 years to see Placebo.
Sorry guys not happening, we are exhausted we got back to Camp saturday night and were falling to sleep in the chairs and this was only 22:00. By 23:00 we were all out like lights. The heat had won.
We got to see Ghost from the food vendor of choice. Which as it is Sunday and though stupidly hot was a Yorkshire Pudding filled with mash and meats. It is Sunday after all. So we watch Ghost from the que and then watch Ghost from the back of the crowd and they were really good even though one of their props failed to work, they did say it should have but there had been issues, once more probably heat related. (Oh side note get the Ghost EP: Phantomime it is rather good)
Snuff they played Snuff Slipknot Played SNUFF LIVE! Slipknot Never Play Snuff.
We were all taken by surprise on this one, there is more but Holy Fuck they played SNUFF.
Been waiting too long to hear that live. Loved every moment of this set was just the right highlight of my weekend did the right thing saving energy for it and I am so glad we did and I am thankful as the adrenaline kept me going until 2am and I got to see other friends that had been missing. Still Slipknot played Snuff! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ARGH so cool so so awesome. Oh and Clown was back!
Secondly Heat.
So once I discovered what had happened to other friends on Sunday evening around 1am they had heat stroke, so Saturday for them was spent in total mess's toilets and tents alike.
The ridiculousness of canned water. Liquid Death I believe is Metallica's own water was all the water you could buy and guess what a bottle is far better than a can. You can't take in a water carrier over 500 ml which is fine but they were taking bottles of water off people.
Which leads back to the people I was on about earlier that were walking around with fake bands on.
So Live Nation, I know you don't read my reviews, I know you just do your own thing and that is fine but we need more shelter in the arena we need more water points I believe they ran dry on Sunday, we need more reliable food / drink vendors and less price gouging. You have a captive audience and when the event has sold out you are going to need to have more supplies. 120,000 people want to eat and drink A LOT.
I say 120,000 as the last time I looked this was roughly Donington Parks Maximum capacity.
I heard rumours it was over sold but this is all speculation and I am unsure about that.
The camp site wasn't as crammed as you'd think it was more a case of people just not looking, I don't know if they went out into the walkways all over they did in places but yet again you know the limit and you also know that the average tent is a 7' square. I say average as not everyone is crammed into the little 2 man pop ups. I know being 6'2" I can't fit in one with all my kit. An some large groups use the giant 10 man tents so we have to say an average tnt is 7'.
We are the Family that makes this festival the best in the world and the reason that people like Corey Taylor uses our festival as what he believes a festival should be.
Also heard that S.O.P.H.I.E stall totally sold out and closed on Sunday Early.
Well done to everyone that managed to get them back into the Arena it is nice when they listen.
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